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February 6, 2006

You Are Animal

A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.

You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.

But you sure can beat a good drum.

"Kill! Kill!"


So the Superbowl lastnight. It simply wasn't the best game it could've been. There were a couple of bad calls that, if called properly in favor of Seattle, could've turned the game around in a different direction, thus quelling any argument of fairness.

We as spectators and superfans, not to mention the coaches and players, were robbed of the integrity of a professional sport in which the accuracy of the officiating should never be questioned in the history books.

Superbowl XL will always be remembered as the championship that wasn't.

But hats off to my two favorite Samoan players who should both be proud of their accomplishments this year.

On another note, after gorging on Pizza Hut, chips, salsa & guacamole, my ultra hushhush recipe local-style wings, and a flood of beer, I could sure use something fibrous today.



Saturday I hung out with yet another of Mac's 1001 best friends, his wife and a charming couple from Portland, Maine who has the potential to become good friends if we take each other up on an open invitation to see some live show goodness. Simply it was a perfect evening of getting to know new and interesting people, listening to jazz on vinyl, taking what I hope are hilarious fotos and telling stories.

We ended the night by watching the best story unfold on video, the wedding day of our hosts.

Mac was the best man. Mac dropped the ring during the ceremony.

With all these weddings coming up this year, I believe this will not be the end of "Mac at our wedding" stories.


Peaches & Herb asked me to be in their wedding this weekend.

I have two words for my girls.

Bachelorette. Party.

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